Crazy Ideas That Are Borderline Genius


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Crazy Ideas That Are Borderline Genius
Score: 4.8 / 6
Category: Funny

Let's get team of people in neon green morph suits to break into a news room and harass the weather man. No one at home will have any idea what’s happening.
A revers-ebay: Buyer post something they are interested in buying, and vendors compete to offer the lowest bid.
Instead of 140 characters, Tweets would be limited to your IQ number.
They should have Morgan Freeman speak every word in the English language before he dies so we can continue to make documentaries once he dies.
A device that lets you erase part of your memory so you can experience your favorite books for the first time again.
Two types of car horns for your car, a happy, friendly horn, or mean angry horn.
A non of the above option in elections. If that option wins, the election is reheald with all new candidates.
Edible staples to keep your burrito or taco closed.
Alcohol should be served in those Capri Sun pouches that we used to have back in elementary school. When you can’t get the straw into the hole, you’re not allowed to have anymore.
A TV show like Kitchen Nightmares with an angry accountant that teaches financial responsibility to retired professional athletes.
Every cop is required to wear a go pro camera at all times while on paid duty and have all the video publicly available.
Food items should have QR codes that instruct the microwave exactly what to do. Like high for 2 minutes, let stand 1 minute, medium 1 minutes.
A gym where you pay $1 each day that don’t go.
Make an average member of the public compete in the Olympics so the athletes skllis are contextualized.
A Movie filmed in 2 versions. One version from the good guy’s side and one from the bad side so you could choose side when going to the movie theater.
Let’s make a driving range, but for skipping stones. You could go and rent a bucket of rocks perfectly flat and smooth for skipping an go and skip them on a pond in the middle of a forest.
Fresh prince sequel – Will’s son is spoiled living in luxury in Bel Air, is sent to Philly to get street smart.

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