Eminem (Marshall Bruce Mathers) Life Story


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Eminem (Marshall Bruce Mathers) Life Story
Score: 4.8 / 6
Category: Lifestyle

Look at this kid.

He sits in his corner all day reading comic books and drawing action heroes, because he has no friends and hates being outside.

His father left him when he was 18 months old. and he has been moving with his mother from one place to another for more than 20 times.

He has been bullied a lot, which one time resulted in being hit on the head, and lying in a coma for 10 days.

At the age of 19, his uncle and probably his best friend, who was also 19 years old killed himself, leaving him devastated.

When he finally found something he loved, others around him tried to hold him back because he did not fit the scene as a white boy. Even his girlfriend at that time tried to stop him.

Despite all of these people trying to hold him back, he did not quit, gathering more fame as he was getting better and better. Unfortunately this fame was also the cause for another set back, as he got addicted to Vicodin, Ambien, Valium and Methadone.

As if this wasnt enough, another best friend of his got killed by a gunshot wound at the age of 32.

This man, who was barely able to shop at Kmart when he was growing up, now ownes the mansion of the former CEO of Kmart.

Despite of having everything against him in his life, he did not quit, believing in his talents and doing what he loves.

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